Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week 8: February 16-22

February 16
The Story: Finally! Big sister gets something that resembles a kiss well enough that she feels elated to the point of stillness.

February 17
The Story: I've been waiting for a while to see when she will use just one of the four slots to balance her tower tower tower. That time has come. I saw a picture of someone's playroom that had lego plate wals with legos all over. I got so into this idea. My husband wonders if we need more stuff. We both acknowledge, however that she is incredibly engaged with building and has the manual dexterity to begin exploration of the smaller level with acceptable frustration and no inhalation. (Those parts can be tiny!) We also each had childhoods with much time spent building with legos. Still, we'll see if the mini lego wall idea will become a reality. There is a baby who will be crawling about before we know it. 

February 18
The Story: A friend brought my daughter (and the family) a worm composting bin for her birthday -- coolest gift, right?! She was scared to touch the worms, but subsequently she came to tell me that there was a mess near the big plant pot. She had gone digging for worms and thrown dirt on the rug. Notice she didn't say who made the mess. She said she didn't know when I said "I wonder who made this mess?" Lucky for her there were lots of other children who could have been possible culprits. Even so, when I asked if she made the mess she said yes. Then I asked if she had fun. ;)

The Story: I just thought this was a cool picture because my daughter is in the background standing on the couch. Does anyone else let their children climb on the furniture?

February 19
The Story: This girl decided the Buddha statue was a baby. The baby was tired and she laid him down and cooed him to sleep.

February 20
The Story: My daughter is in to blankets. I don't know why, but every piece of cloth has the potential to be a blanket. Here she has put every piece of fabric from this random bag of fabric samples we found one day. Every. Single. One. Plus a bunch of others. The icing on the pupcake (as my daughter calls them) is that she gets to recline in her favorite spot: the baby car seat.
The Story: Had to put more than one photo today, too because this house is the coolest! Curtains and a trap door! Tia made it when she was watching my daughter. She plays in it less than I would have expected, but it's a sturdy and big enough thing so I think it will live long enough to let her grow into it.

February 21
The Story: Couldn't resist capitalizing on friend's pottying to ask my daughter of she wanted to potty together with her friend. Then I couldn't resist taking a photo of this cuteness.

February 22
The Story: This is what most of the encounters look like. My daughter wildly happy to be touching him or near him and my son considering his situation.

Mamatography 2012


  1. Aw, your little man does have a very serious little face. Too precious! Beautiful photos, what a fun week you had :)

  2. Your photos give me hope that maybe my children will get on well. I'm SO afraid of sibling rivalry as my sister and I almost killed each other growing up! Oh, and getting a potty-friend? Genius idea! Might have to try that!

  3. I'm so happy looking at your pictures, wishing we lived closer. Love the Buddha baby!

  4. OMG, I LOVE your photos. The sense of capturing a real family/play moment is just priceless. I need to learn me that! Anyway, love the blankets and the Budha baby (synchronistically, you should see my recent post about Babies' Buddha nature :) and impressed that you captured the first kiss!! Go girl!

